It is asking you to unscramble the words and then use them in a phrase or sentence.
1. contentas, constante, contestan
2. libre
3. curioso
4. siniestro
1. Los operadores <u>contestan</u> los telefonos. The operators answer the phones.
Las niñas estan <u>contentas</u>. The girls are happy.
Es un recordatorio<u> constante</u>. It is a constant reminder.
2. Eres <u>libre</u> de irte. You are free to leave.
3. "Jorge el <u>curioso</u>" curious George. lo más <u>curioso</u> que he escuchado, the most curious thing I have heard
4. Se hizo un silencio <u>siniestro</u>. There was a sinister silence.
-Ceviche azteca tortilla
-tango merengue gaucho madre choripan
Do you mean patron because that means like the boss when refering to the owner business.
Nosotros traemos la ensalada
Answer: Option 3
1. She sing songs
2. She sang songs
3. She sings songs
4. She sang songs
Option 3 makes more sense.