I believe the correct answer would be D. Romans
In 1953 when prime minister Mossadeq nationalized the oil industry, United States stepped in and reinstated the pro-western Sha. Mossadegh saw the Anglo-Iranian Oil as an arm of the British government regulating much of Iran's oil, pushing him to nationalize the Iranian oil industry.
If a person survives the Holocaust, the last thing he wants to hear is a comment made by someone who knows nothing about it. He knows what a hideous event it was. He has the experience. It is not A
B: Fear of Flames was based on experience. B is not the answer.
D: Ask any asthmatic what they think of smokers. All agree that allowing smoke nearby is not a good idea. D is based on experience and is not a choice.
The answer is C. I think that is what you are intended to answer. But it is not a good answer. The child may have experience with something that was unpleasant and green.
Choose C anyway.
The War of 1812 biggest impact was peace between America and Britain for two centuries. It caused no major geographical changes.
Zionism as an organized movement is generally considered to have been founded by Theodor Herzl in 1897. However, the history of Zionism began earlier and is related to Judaism and Jewish history.