<em>Agenda-setting theory</em> is a social science theory which attempts to make predictions regarding the influence of the media. It describes the ability of news media to influence the important topics on the public agenda.
This theory argues that the news media has a great influence on the audience by covering some news more frequently and prominently, thus making the audience think of it as more important.
Nevertheless, news media does not operate within a vacuum. Policy makers and participation of the public have an important role when it comes to the decision of what makes public priorities. Therefore the society is active in building the setting and making a causal relationship with the media which then is reshaping the agenda-setting.
During the period before the Civil War, South Carolina was not only the wealthiest state but also the one that was alienated from the rest. On July 6th, 1774, at a general meeting, members of the South Carolina's society decided to create "The committee of 99", that was formed by 5 delegates and who main task was to take control of the government of the colony.
The committee of 99 was created as a response of the colonists against the lack of representation that the colony had in America. They wanted to formally declare the shift that the colonists were making from the British Government and to start governing themselves.
B. To study changes over time
1. Health
Ensures that health costs are mitigated
2. Homeowners or Rental Insurance
Covers you in the case of disaster, theft, etc. If you volunteer on a board, can also be used to cover you if you are sued.
3. Life insurance
Ensures money for family upon death
4. Car/Motorcycle/Boat Insurance
Ensures protection in case of vehicle related accident
5. Liability insurance
Depending on the type of work done
6. Pet insurance
Depending on type of pet owned and plan for long term health
7. Flood insurance
Different from homeowners and crucial in this era of climate change.
B. Conservative
Liberal : Tends to favor more government involvement in economy and more social programs by increasing citizens' taxes.
Conservative : Tends to favor less government involvement in economy and let the free market determine the distribution of wealth. Typically, they also prefer lower taxes to give businesses more control over their expense.
Moderate: A healthy mixture between Liberal and Conservative.
The Description above fit to conservative point of views. Pay attention to these key phrases:
<em>- Our society needs to embrace a free-market society.</em>
<em>- . . . where private enterprise is encouraged creates the greatest opportunity and can lead to the highest standard of living . . .</em>
<em>- Increased government regulation will place a stranglehold on business . . . .</em>
<em>- Lower taxes create more incentive for people to work . . .</em>
<em>- Government programs encourage people to become dependent and lazy . . . .</em>