The agreement was the unanticipated fruit of an attempt by the French Foreign Minister, Aristide Briand, to negotiate a bilateral treaty with the United States in which each nation would renounce the use of war as an instrument of policy toward the other.
Gandhi announced he was beginning a “fast unto death” in order to protest British support of a new Indian constitution, which gave the country's lowest classes known as “untouchables”
Answer: Reducing the powers of self-government in Massachusetts.
As a response to the economic damage infringed on Britain by the Tea Party incident in Boston, in 1774, Boston's port was closed down indefinitely until the King declared otherwise. Furthermore, British soldiers were deployed in order to enact the measure and the seat of government was to be moved to Salem, further decreasing Boston's importance with the Royal Navy patroling Boston's harbour.
The Abbasid dynasty fell to the Mongols and became part of the Mongol empire