Catholics have the Holy Eucharist Protestants have Lord's Supper
The above is the major difference between the Catholics and the Protestants. <em>The Holy Eucharist which is the representation of the body and blood of Christ is celebrated every Sunday by the Catholics while on the other hand, the Protestants celebrate the Lord's Supper on the specific day in which it is meant to for them.</em>
The French Revolution is one of the greatest change in France that gave them Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.
Other nations were willing to fight to restore the old regime that Louis XVI represented because, it was the first seed sowed to remove monarchy rule and the ancient regime of France.
The colonizing by West and their way of government was practiced all over the world, putting the common people in great struggle, the rise of the French Revolution was not just the freedom of one nation but a wake up call for the whole community which was under the rule of West.
The French Revolution is one of the greatest change in France that gave them Liberty, Equality and Fraternity and passed over to the whole world as an inspiration to attain their freedom.
jojo and bizare adventures.
cut military supplies worldwide
cutting armaments so much that no nation has the resources to attack any others.
The people who were lost in the south numbered around 290,000. However, it is the north that lost all those soldiers. They lost over 365,000.