A law or act that England levied against the colonies after the french and indian war would be the "Proclamation of 1763", which forbid settlement in the new territories that had opened up in the west.
A government where most political power is in the hands of a select group of people, usually wealthy landowners-Oligarchy
a government ruled by a single leader who has not been elected and may use force to maintain authority-Dictatorship
A government ruled by a religious leader who represents divine power-Theocracy
a government without a king or queen, in which the people often rule indirectly by electing representatives who make all political decisions-Republic
A government in which the people rule, directly in some cases-Democracy
A government ruled by a king or queen-Monarchy
the lack of any organized government-Anarchy
a government run b a single political party or individual, where the actions of the people are strictly controlled-Totalitarianism
Effects on farmers
•Provide for more people
•planted more crops
Effects on laborers
•More inventions = more factories
•more factories = more jobs
•more jobs = more immigrants
•more immigrants = more workers
Effects on Women
•factories meant less need for homemade goods
•made women closer to family
•less children
•single women could work in factories
Mainly Trench Warfare was popularized by the use of new mechanized weapons such as Artillery, and also because of the mass victories in the east on germany's side, Russia used these as a form of slowing them down and to protect their troops, but often these trenches hurt these men by disease, starvation, etc.
the marshal plan and korean were based on the Truman doctrine, and most exemplifies the containment policy
On the other hand, the Berlin airlift least exemplifies the containment policy because it was the techniques used to overcome the iron curtain and escape the east Germany communist regime, under Soviet Russia.