Langston Hughes most likely allude to Walt Whitman's poem "I Hear America Singing" because
- To expand on the ideas in Whitman's poem
- To link his poem with another great American poem
In Whitman's poem the poet states that many group of people sing to America. He mentions that these group of people consist of the men and women ,nurses,mechanics and woodcutter of america, but he does not mention about the black people residing in America. Hughas epands the idea of whitmans poem by mentioning that even the black also sing for America as they are the citizen of America.
Another thing Hughes did in was to link his poem with another great American poem, so that his poem can gain more visibility .
So we can say that ,
Langston Hughes most likely allude to Walt Whitman's poem "I Hear America Singing" because
- To expand on the ideas in Whitman's poem
- To link his poem with another great American poem
Here are a few pointers; hope this is useful)
Ovation-by definition- is show of appreciation from an audience, for a person's accomplishments or flaw.
"Everyone deserves a standing ovation because we all overcometh the world."
A person's accomplishment could be how they made a positive change in this world, strong leadership- that makes them a effective leader or simply helping others. A person's flaw- mistakes in life, sin or even guilt should also be considered an appreciation- an ovation for representing mankind's flaw and that humanity makes mistakes, fulfilling at least one deadly sin such as greed, lust, selfishness etc.
Thus, regardless of a person's achievement or flaw- a person deserves an applause for, not the least, living in this society and this world that we are all living together and dying together.
That was just the introduction.. the best part is yet to come.. now it's your turn!!
Here are other pointers to talk about in your essay:
Shakespeare's famous line "All the World's a stage. That agrees with your line: "Everybody deserves a standing ovation..."
Shakespeare explains that men and women are like players: they live, and die, some being celebrated and some forever living in solitude till their death. Shakespeare states the world is a "stage" which symbolizes that mankind is in its peak. The world is changing everyday: little by little and humanity is falling behind.
Due to our world turning into machinery: factories, an automotive future: where humans only job to live (entrance) and to die (exit) the famous humans remembered and the flawed not recalled.
This is according to Shakespeare's imagery.
I don't know what grade your in, but I think simplifying Shakespeare's word of mouth in your essay would be handy and useful as it has strong references of your quote, and agrees strongly in your essay.
Hope this helps :)
Because! You sound like you're yelling!
The idea seems to be that there is always a rational explanation; the evidence just might not always be easily observable. But the first step towards finding that evidence is to prize the power of the rational mind, and refuse to consider irrational possibilities