The fact that you have a task set in mind is something that can make you persist. The urge to satisfy your need to finish that task with the sharp tool is what drives you to persist with using the sharp tool knowing what could be the possible outcome of using it.
point, shift deletion, UV rays, radiations, genetics mutations, gene editing
That is just some method that gene can change within the DNA
Since the client is diagnosed of having right sided brain attack or also known as stoke, since the client is right handed, the most difficult task that the client would perform is having to do activities that involves of using his right side of the body such as his or her right arm, hands or right leg.
Food - increase in height
Predators - fast reproduction, fast in general
Heat/lack of water - Cam photosynthesis, storage of water
Predator/prey arms war - sensors along side to detect prey, sense of smell, etc
1:1:1:1 walnut comb
If a cross is made between a female who is RRpp (rose comb) and a male who is rrPP (pea comb) then:
P: RRpp x rrPP
F1: RrPp RrPp RrPp RrPp
This means that all of the offspring in F1 generation will have heterozygous genotype (at both loci). Since it contains both dominant alleles, the phenotype is walnut comb.