The following literary terms and devices may be used in poetry: alliteration-the repetition of the same consonant sound (usually at the beginnings) of several words. IE: He hates hats. apostrophe-address to an person or personified object not present.That maby help.
According to the dictionary entry, the word 'regime' is (3.) a noun.
<u>The word 'regime' is a noun and it is mainly used to refer to a particular system of government of a country</u>. It usually has a negative connotation since it is associated with authoritarian governments. An example is: "The Nazi regime ended in 1945, the year in which Germany was defeated by the Allies". However, the word 'regime' can also be used to refer to an ordered way of operating and organizing things. It also functions as a noun in this sense.
Option c. Option c provides an opinion on the main character and substantiates it with the reason from the passage.
The emotional suggestions of a word, that is not literal.