you can go through this link -Africa: Independence Movements - Geography
Attracted by the promise of wealth from gold, diamonds, exotic hardwoods, and other natural riches, European nations claimed large portions of Africa for their colonial empires. Besides seizing the land of Africans, the Europeans also destroyed many of their freedoms and their institutions of government. › independence-m...
a decrease in overall demand and its causing a declinein GDP
Humans cause change in the environment as there is overwhelming evidence that human activities, especially burning fossil fuels, are leading to increased levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which in turn amplify the natural greenhouse effect, causing the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere, ocean, and land surface to increase. That greenhouse gases "trap" infrared heat is well established through laboratory experiments going back to 1856 when Eunice Foote first measured the effect.The well-documented trend of increasing of CO2 in the atmosphere is caused by the burning of fossil fuels and massive land cover changes. The "smoking gun" that shows clearly that human activities are responsible for recent increases in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is provided by carbon isotopes (carbon atoms of different atomic weight). These isotopes allow scientists to "fingerprint" the source of the carbon dioxide molecules, which reveal that the increased CO2 in the atmosphere is caused by fossil fuel burning also.
<span>the notion that power lies with the people <span>popular sovereignty</span></span>
War is not an inevitable feature of society, according to two scientists who analyzed acts of aggression in 21 hunter-gatherer societies. ... That would suggests that war is an artifice of society, and not an intrinsic feature of human nature.