Beowulf's body is taken to Hronesness, where his funeral pyre is burned and his funeral mound is constructed. The mound is filled with the treasure that Beowulf won from the dragon and all of the Geats gather around to lament the death of their lord.
He wanted a funeral pyre so he could fill it with his treasures ;)
Although he loses certainty, community, and the illusion of a harmonious life, he gains the life of his brother (who was scheduled to be killed), his freedom, the ability to stop being hypocritical, and authenticity. The uncertainty of his new life `elsewhere` is itself part of the freedom he gains.
hope this helps
have a good day :)
1. junk food is bad for your health
2. junk food can kill you
3. kids can end up in the hospital because of how much junk food they eat
1. some kids don’t eat that much
2. junk food is a good treat once in a while
3. junk food can be fun if not eaten everyday
The group had congregated a conference meeting on Sunday and ended up communicating combatively instead of the peacemaking they'd intended.
^ Sentence is a little...awkward, but hopefully will make do.
I really hope this was helpful! c: