The Arab Spring in Libya deposed Gadaffi of power and began the Libyan Civil War because of the power vaccum left after the death of Gadaffi.
Boys usually went to school in the winter, when there were fewer farm chores for them to do, while girls and younger children went to school in the summer. Students ranged in age from 4 to 20 years old.
The first colonies to be established in Colonial America were in New England and were predominantly Puritan. The Puritans encouraged Colonial Education for religious reasons as Bible reading and Bible study played an important role in their religion
Answer: 1. <u>both</u> have a bicameral legislature, 2. <u>both</u> have a high court called the supreme court, all the power is given to the people.
Solomon is David’s offspring who will build a house of cedar (7:2, 7:7) – a temple – in which the name of God can dwell. The narrative of 1 Kings 5-8 recounts the outworking of Nathan’s prophecy.
I hope this helps
This was caused by the increase in migration by white settlers.
From the late 1800's lots immigrants were entering the United States from Eastern and southern Europe. Millions of immigrants and poor farmers arrived in cities of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, St. Louis and Chicago,
immigrants live separately in a different neighborhood and a number of them kept their own customs and tradition.