A Nucleus; inside of a cell; inside of a plant or animal cell; inside of a plant <span>or animal; you can take it from there :) :)</span>
Darwin's proposed mechanism for evolution is natural selection. Natural selection allows species to respond to their surroundings through time, or to become progressively excellently-suited. Natural selection is environmentally based and involves established heritable variation within a population.
They lead to changes in species over time:
- Darwin suggested species will evolve over time, new species originate from pre-existing species, and all species share a common ancestor with each other.
- In this framework each organism has its own special set of heritable i.e genetic variations from the common ancestor that have slowly developed over very longer periods of time.
- Parroted branching activities that isolate new species from a common ancestor create a multi-level tree that connects all living organisms.
The first filial generation, will have 4000MN, while the progeny of the new Haldane population will be in the second filial generation 1000 MM + 2000 MN + 1000 NN.
Un nucleótido esta formado por una molécula de azúcar (ribosa en el ARN o desoxirribosa en el ADN) unido a un grupo de fosfato y a una base nitrogenada.
ADN, ARN son polímeros formados por largas cadenas de nucleótidos.
Las bases utilizadas en el ADN son: adenina, citosina, guanina y timina
En ARN, la base uracilo y ocupa el lugar de la timina.
endoplasmic reticulum
ER is full with proteins than help to synthesize phospholipids in plant cells