What is a step you can take when planning your essay to make sure you use your sources appropriately? Start writing your essay w
ithout evidence, then add it in later. Make a list of all your sources, and analyze them for relevance. Align each piece of data with a point in your outline. Create a bibliography so you can make sure youve cited sources correctly.
The answer to the question: What is a step you can take when planning your essay to make sure you use your sources appropriately? is, Create a bibliography so you can make sure you´ve cited sources correctly.
When writing an essay, especially to ensure that it fulfills all the necessary requirements, particularly the correct use of sources for the development of the work, it is necessary for the writer to create a bibliography page. This is because the bibliography page ensures not just that the writer has correctly used the sources he/she has consulted, but it also prevents the work from being accucsed of plagiarism due to errors in citing.
The soft matetrial was a substitute that stimulated the comfort provided by a mother's touch based on harlows findings, the soft material was a source of in animate surrogate mother when monkeys faced with new and scary conditions.