Millennia a
plural form of millennium is equivalent to 1000 years. Which means that 2
millennia is equivalent to 2,000 years span of time. Centuries, a plural form
of century on the other hand is 100 years in total, only. And lastly a decade,
is 10 years in total. All of these are terms in which they pertains to certain
amount of time which increases by power of 10. As you noticed.
10 – Decade
100 – Century
1000 – Millennium
<span> </span>
El país moderno comenzó entre los siglos XV y XVI. Este período fue cuando los reyes usaron la crisis del feudalismo para recuperar su poder. El país moderno es una forma de monopolización del poder coercitivo en su territorio. Es una institución política que tiene el poder de hacer leyes.
The modern country started between the XV and XVI centuries. This period was when the kings used the feudalism crisis to get back their power. The modern country is a way of monopolization the coercive power on its territory. It is a political institution that has the power of making laws.
Common Sense by Thomas Paine was the pamphlet which denounced British rule and fanned the flames of the Revolution. It was written in 1775/1776 and inspired the inhabitants of the Thirteen Colonies to push for independence from the British during the summer of 1776.
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia i remember this from last years history :D
Whoa, that's a lot of Beatles questions all at once! Allow me to pick just one for a response here. "What role did television play in the Beatles' success?"
Television allowed the Beatles to reach a mass audience across America. The Ed Sullivan Show had a huge audience in the United States at that time. Back in the 1960s, the only television was network broadcast television. There were no cable channels. No Netflix. No Hulu. No Amazon Prime. No Youtube. So if you made an appearance on a major network show like The Ed Sullivan Show, you were reaching all TV viewers in America. When the Beatles made their first appearance on American television, on the Ed Sullivan Show on February 9, 1964, they were seen by an estimated 73 million American viewers. That's a huge audience. Not quite Super Bowl numbers (which reach around 100 million), but still huge. For comparison, the most-watched episode of a hit cable program like The Walking Dead (its season 7 premiere) got 17 million viewers.
So, for sure, the dynamics of television in the 1960s helped the Beatles become an enormous success in the American entertainment market.