Eliezer soon discovers that the chimneys are pumping out the smoke from burning the bodies of the people that have been killed at the concentration camp. The smell coming from the chimneys is unknown at first, but soon they discover that it is the smell of burning flesh.
Dialogue as a Tool for Characterization. In all forms of writing, dialogue can help writers flesh out their characters to make them more lifelike, and give readers a stronger sense of who each character is and where they come from.
Explanatio Dialogue is a wonderful way to show characterization, and also the relationships between your characters. Not only what people say, but the way they say it, gives the reader quality information about your character.n:
1st question: Before any trauma of the holocaust occurred, Elie's relationship with God was strong and his faith was unbreakable. He was devoted to his Orthodox Jewish heritage. He followed all prayers and practices of his religion and even studied the mystical Jewish secrets called Kabbalah during his free time at night.
2nd question: The first symbol that we can recognize when we are analyzing this Novel is a symbol of the title. The Night is symbolizing the death of an innocent, death of childhood, death and the end of faith, death of many people, death and the end of possible miracles. Since they lost their faith in God, the night also means a world without God and faith because they are representing brightness.''Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the little faces of the children, whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky.'' b)The second symbol is fire and flames of it. They are representing hell and tool for punishing them which brought them to losing his faith. ''Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever.''
B . Cassius thinks that the Romans naming Caesar King is a bad idea.