I hope i can help. I cant give u all of the work but here is a start, you may finish on that.
was born in December 1770, Bonn, Germany. Beethoven was a painter and a music
composer. I admire Beethoven because he did many things with his life, and is
now famous. He was a musician and an artist. His father was his first music
Mary Cassatt
was born in May 22, 1844, Allegheny, Pittsburgh. Mary Cassatt was a painter,
she did many self-portraits of herself. She was a great painter. She was
inspired by Edgar Degas. Some people say that Mary was Edgar’s mistress. When
Mary moved to Paris in 1800, she lived there until she died
Abaddon - (Hebrew) Destroyer, Advisor. Said to be chief of demons. Sometimes regarded as the destroying angel.
Abdiel - (Arabic) from "Abd" meaning slave. Lord of slaves/slavery.
Abatu - An earth bound form of destructive/negative energy in the Order of the Nine Angles. Associated with rites of sacrifice.
Abduxuel - (Enochian) One of the demonic rulers of the lunar mansions.
Abigar - Can fortell future and give military advice.
Abigor - (Unk) allegedly a warrior demon who commands sixty legions. Weyer names him as god of Grand Duke of Hell. Appears in a pleasant form.
Aclahayr - (Unk) Of the fourth hour of the Nuctemeron, the genius spirit.
Adad, Addu - (Babylonian, Hittite) god of the storm.