It is important that you know how to write an analysis—sometimes called an interpretation or ... in order to identify an author's or text's main idea through the process of explication. ... and the methods presented here are easy enough to modify to fit those needs. ... Next, try to express the work's theme in one or two sentences.
Draft before the meeting is doing some questions for MOM like what time to start, how many people are attending, where is the place for meeting etc.
Third-person limited point of view is where the narrator observes the behaviors of the characters and doesn't know all of the feelings or thoughts about the characters. That's in contrast to third-person omniscient point of view, were the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of the characters in the story.
The magistrate calls Meursault “Monsieur Antichrist” because: Meursault does not believe in God
The Stranger's theme is more of Nihilism. It is a philosophical belief that "nothing matters" or has significance. It denies the existence of God or of meaning in life.