Answer:that means he LikeS u!
Jump and stunt are examples of C. ASSONANCE.
Assonance is where the same vowel sound is repeated at almost all the words.
*Alliteration is where the same sound is found at the beginning of the words. exampel: Being better is better than being bitter.
*Consonance is where the same consonant sound is repeated at almost all the words.
To show you've done research on the subject, and it can also make it so if you copy and pasted it can show you didn't commit plagiarism.
Example: Why citing is important
It's important to cite sources you used in your research for several reasons: To show your reader you've done proper research by listing sources you used to get your information. To be a responsible scholar by giving credit to other researchers and acknowledging their ideas.Nov 13, 2019
Overview - Citing sources - LibGuides at MIT Libraries › citing
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Plagiarism is when you directly copy someones writing, word for word
We conducted a study at the privately owned El Zota Biological Field Station in Costa Rica to assess the effects of forest management techniques on primate ecology and behavior. While many conservation-oriented studies note the need for “corridors” to promote dispersal between isolated habitat fragments, few studies provide quantitative information on their use by primates. From July to August 2002, we studied the three primate species that occur at the El Zota Biological Field Station in Costa Rica — Cebus capucinus, Ateles geoffroyi, Alouatta palliata — to compare their use of planted versus naturally forested areas. We collected approximately 25 hours of data to quantify the general activities exhibited by primates in these types of habitat.