Roe v Wade was a controversial case and still is today because it deals with abortion. People have very strong opinions both ways about it and whether or not a woman should be able to have one for whatever reason.
Aircraft Carrier - One of the biggest changes in naval technology in World War II was the use of the aircraft carrier. Aircraft carriers became the most important ships in the navy. They were able to launch air attacks from anywhere in the ocean. Bombs - World War II saw the invention of many new types of bombs
Jean-Paul Marat wrote a radical newspaper naming all citizens that were enemies of the French Revolution.
Jean-Paul Marat, a radical Jacobin, wrote from 1.789 to 1.792 <em>L'Ami du peuple</em> (The Friend of the People), which advocated for lower-class people and had no hesitation to mention name of people considered as "enemies of the Revolution". The newspaper was considered dangerous because writings ignited violence and rebellion within lower-class people and had an enormous influence in events like Women's March on Versailles (October 1.789), the elimination of Monarchy (August 10, 1.792) and the September Massacres (September 2 - 6, 1.792)