<span>Salt manufacture has a long history, dating to well over 2700 BCE in China as the earliest documentation. Oklahoma's first commercial salt manufacturing occurred in the Cherokee land Indian Territory in 1815 by Major William Lovely, a Cherokee agent.</span>
The Open Door Policy is a name in foreign affairs preeminent
used to stand to the US policy set up in the late nineteenth century and the beginning
of twentieth century, as articulated in Secretary of State John Feed's Open Door
Note, dated September 6, 1899 and exchange to the significant European forces.
aye in their defense squares are borin
<span>It facilitate long distance travel and transport of bulky goods which are not easily transported through motor vehicles.
</span><span>It helps in the industrialization process of a country by easy transportation of coal and raw-materials at a cheaper rate.
</span>Quick movement of goods from one place to other place.