governments’ anti-corruption strategies that attempts to deal with corruption
as a whole are;
1. The use of internet platforms and social media. It
involves the use of social media and websites whre citizens can anonymously
report corruption.
<span>Comparison of data from
different sources. This strategy uses
sources from different data that would expectedly give similar results in the
absence of corruption. The difference of data can be used as evidence of
B - Antibiotics
Antivirals treat viruses, antifungals treat fungi, and OTC treatments are merely symptomatic treatment. Antibiotics typically dissolve the cell wall of bacteria meaning they explode, so they actually kill the bacteria.
Explanation a chemical define media is a media that do not contain any animal derived source as a component. It is a media whose chemical component are known. It is said to be the purest form of media for culture.
Complex Chemical media is a media whose component are not known. It includes both animals,yeast, plant source whose component are not known this Mixture makes it complex.
Example of complex media is Human Endothelial-SFM (Life Technologies), Endothelial Basal Media, EndoGRO-LS Complete
Example of chemically defined media enhancing or inhibitory effects of GSLs and sphingolipids on tyrosine kinases associated with growth factor receptors.
a. significantly lesser
The density of protists living in the hay infusion is significantly lesser than the regular pond water because protists likes to live in aquatic or any water bodies. Some protists float on the surface of the water making their own food like plants by using the process of photosynthesis. Aquatic environments are ideal environment for protists, which have cilia and flagella that allows them to move in the water in search of food..
<span>One observation would be the physical size of Russia compared to other countries, despite a lack of visible borders from space. In addition, part of Russia's outline would likely be obscured by the various clouds and objects in the stratosphere; this would allow the astronaut to view potential cloud and weather patterns on earth. Also, an astronaut could see outlines of Russia's geography such as mountain ranges.</span>