b. foreign key
In the database world, a foreign key is a field on one table and a primary key for another table. The purpose of a foreign key is to provide linkages between two or more tables. Given two tables A and B, and making A the point of reference, a primary key is a field that is unique in A while a foreign key is unique in B.
On another hand, a composite primary key is a combination of two or more fields/columns on database table that can be used to uniquely identify each row in the table.
In the database lingua, what we have is a unique key not a distinct key, though the two words are similar in meaning.
A duplicate key is used when an information may be repeatedly entered on a table.
So the correct option is a foreign key.
False, because they are called percussion group
You'll need $3,500 extra calories to gain one pound of fat.
no.13 answer is( B ) and no.14 answer is also (B)
The answer to this question can be given as:
isQuadrilateral = (numberOfSides == 4) ? 1 : 0;
//check condition using ternary operator.
we know that both(Quadrilateral, numberOfSides) is already declared in the program. So the statement for check condition is (isQuadrilateral = (numberOfSides == 4) ? 1 : 0;). To check this condition we use the ternary operator. In this operator, we also check another condition. The syntax of ternary operator (condition ? value_if_true : value_if_false).In this statement on the lift side we use the variable for check condition and right side we check condition if the value is true it prints 1 else it will print 0.