The act of aspiring or ardently desiring; an ardent wish or desire, chiefly after what is elevated or spiritual (with common adjunct adpositions being to or of)
Renewable Resources:
Nonrenewable Resources:
hydroelectric power coil and oil
apple trees gemstones
wind power steel
Some activities that cell requires energy may include cell division, active transport, protein synthesis etc.
In human, Cells get their energy by the food we eat. The nutrients in the food breaks down into soluble and simple molecules in stomach and small intestine and it is absorbed through the small intestine and assimilated into the cells, becoming part of it, providing the uses for each type of nutrient. And of course, many of them is the energy source.
In geometry the base is the side or face of a geometric figure to which an altitude is drawn,
is used to locate and track severe storms, and follows the path of storm systems.