The axial skeleton includes all the bones along the body's long axis. ... The axial skeleton includes the bones that form the skull, laryngeal skeleton, vertebral column, and thoracic cage. The bones of the appendicular skeleton (the limbs and girdles) “append” to the axial skeleton.
When examining indentations, document examiners may apply ash <span>to help reveal the indentations</span>
The urine osmolality is the measurement of urine absorption,
which substantial values indicate concerted urine and small values specify
weaken urine. Any foods that contained water also affects the osmolality of
urine. Some of the mammals are competent
of higher osmolality than healthy humans, most especially the rats, hamsters,
and mice if given no water.
Answer: The answer is the last option, Backflow of blood through a defective valve.
Explanation: Hypotension causes high blood pressure, and the other two options are not related to heart murmurs. A hear murmur is when the blood isn't flowing in the right direction causing the hear to beat irregularaly.