C. because this case were about a girl cannot go to a public school near her home.
The president who represents the nation and creates policies, since this article deals entirely with the formation of the executive branch.
Three of the things the Marshall Plan was designed to do were to stabilize war-town Europe, prevent the rise of communist states, and prevent the rise of violent dictators.
Because, predominantly in the agricultural Western region of the United States, the demand for cheap labor was extremely high at the time. The source of this cheap labor were Mexican immigrants.
The 27th Ammendment to the Constitution was first proposed in 1789 by the 1st Congress to the state to be ratified. It was proposed with other 10 ammendments to the Constitution but lacking the number of votes necessary, it did not pass like its others sister ammendments to become what is today known as the Bill of Rights. It took about more than 200 years until 1992, after a campaign was started by University of Texas at Austin student Joe Watson in 1982. This ammendment prohibited the increase or decrease of a congressman´s salary within a term in office. If there is to be a reduction or increment in the income perceived by a congress member, this must take effect only until the following terms office. The correct answer is D because of the immense time passage since the ammendment was proposed until it was adopted and ratified.