In some places, the slave trade increased the power of the African monarchy and led to economic strength. However, in places where there was competition between slave traders, the slave trade undermined the African monarchy, led to constant chaos/war, destroyed political unity, and disrupted African society. The slave trade also impacted demographics of Africa. Millions of people were lost to the slave trade. Also, in certain parts of African, certain genders were taken as slaves more than others. This disrupted marriage and the sexual distribution of labor in Africa.
Squanto, también conocido como Tisquantum, era un nativo americano de la tribu Patuxet que actuó como intérprete y guía para los colonos peregrinos en Plymouth durante su primer invierno en el Nuevo Mundo. También fue mejor conocido por ser un enlace temprano entre la población nativa americana en el sur de Nueva Inglaterra y los peregrinos de Mayflower que se asentaron en el sitio de la antigua aldea de verano de Tisquantum.
The western Church claimed authority over the Eastern Church because the pope believed he had power over both Churches.
War I (First World War or Great War o WWI) started on July 28, 1914 and ended
on November 11, 1918, was a war focused in Europe. The war divided two nations:
the Allies consisting of Russian Empire, France, Italy, Japan and United
Kingdom or British Empire against the Central powers consisting of Germany,
Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary. The war, introducing new military
technology weapons, had killed an estimation of nine million soldiers in
annihilation, bloodshed and massacre. Technology weapons such as Tank Corps, Vickers
gun (British invention) and Lewis gun (American-invented), aeroplanes, poison
gas and cellucotton.</span>