For number 17, the city with the highest polulation density is Tokyo. Most of Japan's people live there.
Carrying capacity is the theoretical maximum rate of population growth. It is the maximum population size that the environment can sustain. This means that it is the maximum number of individuals of given species that the evironment's resources can sustain. It is the population size that can have enough water, food, habitat and other resources in order to survive and live.
It was possible that the theory of continental drifts caused water levels to rise, thus making the pieces of so-called Pangaea not fit perfectly.
Another theory could be due to weathering and erosion of the continents to create a new shape of each continent.
The correct answer is, B and D.
Another way to say it is the correct answer is Aristarchus was not as famous as Aristotle and Aristarchus could not answer some important questions about the model.
Aristarchus was not as famous as Aristotle. Aristotle's model was more accurate. Aristarchus could not answer some important questions about the model. Aristarchus had fallen out of favor with Alexander the Great. Aristarchus was not as famous as Aristotle. Aristarchus could not answer some important questions about the model.