Ver las cosas de diferente manera por eso le llaman perspectiva el ponerse en los zapatos del otro, el vivir lo que el otro vive, el poder es algo que creas tu mismo tu te sientes poderoso y lo transmites y el mundo te ve de esa manera que haces que te tema o te respete.
Some tribes had many Gods. Some only worshiped the Sun. But most all believe in one Creator who created all of us.
Deities and Spirits. Native American religions often honor a vast array of deities. Some of these are creator gods, others are tricksters, deities of the hunt, and gods and goddesses of healing.So most believed in one creator and very little believed in more.Also, they worshiped many other things like the drum.They thought it was a living breathing thing.
The overwhelming majority of court decisions that define American civil liberties are based on the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments added to the Constitution in 1791. ... Civil rights are also protected by the Fourteenth Amendment, which protects violation of rights and liberties by the state governments.
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