Those tools that had been preserved, of course, are the stone tools. Paleoindian stone tools were generally made from workable stones like chert, quartzite, or obsidian, and Paleoindians seem to have been very picky about only using the best materials for their tools.
I got this from here ⇒ Paleo Indians: Culture, Artifacts & Tools |
Hope this helps you! =^-^=
D.)Increased ties with Europe and China
The “NEP aka new economic policy”
Hmm. Well, if your thinking of the same time in history that I am...than I believe that the Americans put education at a high place in their lives. For the girls, well, they were going to get married off anyway. So why bother with their education, they were just taught how to keep house. The boys were sent to school if their parents believed that it was okie dory for them. But, if the child's parent was a farmer or something like that. Than they were more likely to stay and home. And learn the trade of their Father.
Nowadays, education is held in the highest respect. If you want a good, well paying job in your life. Than a good, solid education is the way to go. The only way to go. Collage is expected from graduates now it seems. But maybe that's just me. But, people all have their own views on education. Some find it important, and others could care less.
asking is a kind way of doin shihh but u can always steal doe ༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽