Norms for routine or casual interaction is called <u>folkway.</u>
Further explanation:
A folkway is a learned behavior which is shared by social group. The term, folkways, is coined by William Graham Sumner. These are social conventions which are not considered as moral significance by members of social group.
When an individual does any everyday routine activity then it is a habit but when it becomes general in the society, is called as folkway that is a habit of social group. The folkways are spontaneous, unconscious and uncoordinated adjustment of individual to his environment.
Folkway gives better understanding about a culture. They control the behavior of an individual in society. The characteristics of folkways are as follow:
- Spontaneous Origin
- Approved Behavior
- Distinctiveness
- Hereditary
Folkways arise spontaneously and there are numerous folkways in society. Folkways are hereditary because they pass on from one generation to generation and these behaviors are recognized ways of behavior.
Learn more:
1. Define the concept risk behavior and explain why it is important for teenager.
2. Explain how technology has affected people's activity levels.
Answer details:
Grade: High School
Subject: Sociology
Topic: Folkways
Keywords: norms, routine, interaction, folkway, social convention, culture, behavior, hereditary, unconscious