a United nations with no slavery
Ans 2
Givens & Johnston is pleased to announce that Joseph “Jay” Acayan has become the first attorney in the country to participate in and assist a client navigate through a CBP Forced Labor audit. The audit was conducted by Regulatory Audit and Agency Advisory Services, Houston Field Office, and was part of a larger Focused Assessment.
Driven by its emphasis on forced labor violations and a sense of social responsibility, in addition to its first Forced Labor audit, on October 1, CBP cracked down on five U.S. importers by issuing “withhold release orders” covering five imported products from five countries, in essence halting all import related activities for those importers.
New Amsterdam because it was named after the Dukw of Amsterdam.
Well as I'm sure you know we live in a society greatly impacted by technology and because so everything important usually ends up on the internet, the dissemination of news helps activists and the regular joe, educate themselves. But as in a political revolution starting I suppose dissemination would make them more educated in the debate, and allow them to spread there message.
The connection between life, liberty, and property are that all are earned traits by american people.