Garibaldi summoned every Italian to be part of the Sicilian fight all the enemies of Italy and to fight also for Italy. He said "Let us fight for our brothers. He emphasized the power of unification. He portrayed the struggle for unification as a battle against tyranny when he wrote: "the tottering thrones of tyranny will fall to pieces, and the whole country will rise like one man". And Treitschke based the German claim to Alsace and Lorraine by assuring German domination in the language and culture. And he was ignored due to the fact that it is only morally right to annex one state.
In this quote, Thurgood Marshall is talking about the time between the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation (which was supposed to free slaves in the Confederacy) to the Brown vs. Board case which ruled that "separate but equal" is unconstitutional.
The reason he brings up these two events is because it shows how little progress American society has changed in these 90 years. Even though African-Americans were supposed to be free citizens after the Emancipation Proclamation, they were still treated as second class citizens in the US. They were constantly targets of voter discrimination, violence, and prejudice.
She spent her days writing in her diary and doing crosswards over and over again, errasing them after every time