Resumen: La elección de sexo embrionario es una posibilidad biotecnológica que por ser realizada sobre gametos no causa daño al cigoto. La elección del sexo de los hijos podría ser inocua pero, para que fuera libre, debería estar exenta de presiones psicológicas, específicamente de sentimientos de discriminación como síntoma neurótico.
El artículo señala las bases de este síntoma y sus manifestaciones. Existe una gran responsabilidad cuando se toman decisiones que afectan a terceros y es necesario que se realicen con el más alto grado posible de libertad. En este trabajo también se analizan las alternativas, prevención y manejo de la discriminación neurótica.
Palabras clave: discriminación, prejuicio, selección de sexo, embrión
The Whigs faced a different scenario. The victory of James K. Polk (Democrat) over Henry Clay (Whig) in the 1844 presidential election had caught the southern Whigs by surprise. The key element of this defeat, which carried over into the congressional and local races in 1845 and 1846 throughout the South, was the party's failure to take a strong stand favoring Texas annexation. Southern Whigs were reluctant to repeat their mistakes on Texas, but, at the same time, Whigs from both sections realized that victory and territorial acquisition would again bring out the issue of slavery and the territories. In the South in particular, there was already the realization, or perhaps fear, that the old economic issues that had defined the Second Party System<span> were already dead. Their political goal was to avoid any sectional debate over slavery which would expose the sectional divisions within the party.</span>After an earlier attempt to acquire Texas by treaty had failed to receive the necessary two-thirds approval of the Senate, the United States annexed the Republic of Texas by a joint resolution of Congress that required simply a majority vote in each house of Congress. President John Tyler signed the bill on March 1, 1845, a few days before his term ended. As many expected, the annexation led to war with Mexico. After the capture of New Mexico and California in the first phases of the war, the political focus shifted to how much territory would be acquired from Mexico. The key to this was the determination of the future status of slavery in any new territory.
Both major political parties had labored long to keep divisive slavery issues out of national politics. The Democrats had generally been successful in portraying those within their party attempting to push a purely sectional issue as extremists that were well outside the normal scope of traditional politics.[2] However, midway through Polk's term, Democratic dissatisfaction with the administration was growing within the Martin Van Buren, or Barnburner, wing of the Democratic Party over other issues. Many felt that Van Buren had been unfairly denied the party's nomination in 1844 when southern delegates resurrected a convention rule, last used in 1832, requiring that the nominee had to receive two-thirds of the delegate votes. Many in the North were also upset with the Walker tariff which reduced the tariff rates; others were opposed to Polk's veto of a popular river and harbor improvements bill, and still others were upset over the Oregon settlement with Great Britain where it appeared that Polk did not pursue the northern territory with the same vigor he used to acquire Texas. Polk was seen more and more as enforcing strict party loyalty primarily to serve southern interests. Hope This Helps! Can I have Brainliest? Please:)
Theatre of China has a long and complex history. Traditional Chinese theatre, often called Chinese opera, is musical in nature. Western forms like the spoken drama, western-style opera, and ballet did not arrive in China until the 20th century. Grauman's Chinese Theatre (branded as TCL Chinese Theatre for naming rights reasons) is a movie palace on the historic Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6925 Hollywood Blvd. The original Chinese Theatre was commissioned following the success of the nearby Grauman's Egyptian Theatre, which opened in 1922.
AN organization that changed the way African Americans saw opportunities for themselves is the f the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) which aimed to ensure that colored people had access to educational, economic and political opportunities. Individuals include Martin Luther King who led the civil rights campaign.
being able to speak about what you think