Life has to move on, we cannot stop at one spot forever, just thinking of every one in this planet still suffer from the lost of The Great War, WWII or Vietnam War, there would be nothing. Millions of Japanese died because of the stupidity of their government back in The Great War and WWII, but after that, what would they gain by complain or cry about their lost? Nothing. Things in life happen, it just happen, no God's hands involve in, if you were not prepare enough to fight against it, you lost. Bad things happened to mark us a reminder about our mistake, to improve to be better. That's why we have to move on. That just my opinion, If anyone have the further thoughts or disagree, please let me know.
As a victim of the Indian attacks, Mary Rowlandson wrote a vivid description (her short book, "A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson") of the eleven weeks and five days she spent living with the Native Americans.