To reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes is not recommended to follow diets as prevention strategy.
Losing weight is a recommended prevention strategy. However, doing diets gather from internet is not acceptable. Having healthier habits such as eating healthy or doing excercise should be supervised by doctors or nutricionists. People who are prepared to help us in the prevention of diabetes type 2.
Your medical records contain the basics, like your name and your date of birth. They also include the information you give to your family physician, dentist, or other specialist during an exam.
i'm unsure of your statement, but i believe that the statement is false. A rake would add more physical activity, since you're using both leg muscles while walking, and arm muscles.
The eccentric contraction can generate up to 50 percent greater tension than the concentric. This is why the eccentric contraction is so powerful not only in controlling and stopping movement, but also in generating sufficient tension in the muscles in order for them to contract explosively.
Hope this helps, have a great day/night, stay safe