Answer: Factory Girls Association
1832 Morse found a way to send signals along an electrical cable (using pulses of electricity) and developed Morse code. Congress constructed an experimental telegraph line (1843) which 1860, more than 50,000 mi of wire connected most parts of the country. Helped prevent accidents and benefited American Journalism.
An American financial services and communications company founded in 1851; as an industrialized monopoly, it dominated the telegraph industry in the late 19th century.; it was the first communications empire and set a pattern for American-style communications businesses as they are known today.
The Berlin Wall (in German, Berliner Mauer, pronounced / (listen)) was a security wall that formed part of the inter-German border from August 13, 1961 until November 9, 1989. It surrounded and separated the area of the Berlin city framed in the economic space of the Federal Republic of Germany (RFA), West Berlin, of the capital of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) between those years.It is the best known symbol of the Cold War and of the division of Germany.This wall was referred to in the GDR as "Antifascist Protection Wall" (Antifaschistischer Schutzwall) and by the media and part of Western public opinion as "wall of shame" (Schandmauer
The Eastern Bloc dominated by the Soviets argued that the wall was built to protect its population from fascist elements that conspired to prevent the popular will to build a socialist state in East Germany.
A 45-kilometer wall divided the city of Berlin into two, while another 115 kilometers surrounded its western part, isolating it from the GDR. That is, the Wall was the state border between the GDR and the West Berlin enclave. It was one of the best known symbols of the Cold War and the separation of Germany.
The correct answer is D.) Court clerks refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
The definition of grassroots activism is a movement that is born out of the personal convictions of an individual or a group of individuals about a particular issue and that is not originated in the will of an established political movement or leader (s). It is considered that a grassroots movement is spontaneously created by the will of ordinary citizens who want to make their voices hear about a particular issue and although its later stages may involve participation of political groups or leaders, the initiative for its inception was the concerns of ordinary citizens. This answer is a direct reference to the case of Sandra Davis, a Kentucky country Clerk that refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses due to her own personal convictions and in the name of "religious liberty". Her initiative was purely personal and was not the result of organized political efforts.
Correct answer choice is:
Electricity replaced steam power in homes and businesses.
The key distinction between first and second industrial revolution is that the primary age was targeted on Textiles, steam power, and iron whereas the second was targeted on steel, railroads, petroleum, chemicals and electricity. Second age, that began somewhere within the nineteenth century, is additionally referred to as the industrial revolution.