It is the ALU or the Arithmetic Logic Unit.
It is the ALU. However, keep in mind that registers and buses do a very important task. The number of registers we have, faster is the processing, and the opposite is true as well. And there is a reason behind this if we have different channels for sending and receiving the data from the memory, and several registers for storing the data, and we can formulate the requirement seeing the requirements for full adder and half adders. Remember we need to store several variables in case of the full adder, and which is the carry, and if we have separate registers for each of them, our task becomes easier. Remember its the CU that tells the ALU what operation is required to be performed. Also remember we have the same channel for input and output in the case of Van Neumann architecture, as we have a single bus. and we also have a single shared memory. And Harvard architecture is an advanced version of it.
Peace is when people are able to resolve their conflicts without violence and can work together to improve the quality of their lives.
Option (e)
Option (e) is the answer. It indicates the exception thrown and displays it. It also indicates the place where the exception was thrown ( at what line of the code the exception was thrown )
Option (a) is false as the program which was terminated because of an exception which was not handled doesn't starts automatically.
Option (b) is false as it doesn't opens a dialogue box about running the program another time or anything. It just terminates because of the unhandled exception.
Option (c) is false as it doesn't saves all the output to a disk file called the "runStackTrace.txt".
Option (d) is false as it doesn't open a dialogue box. The program terminates because of the unhandled exception.
Level of operation
The operating system is the system that enables other software to run on a device. It therefore handles the data between the user and the different features of the hardware, such as hosting device drivers. It also determines the core language used on the device, such as Windows, apple or Linux. This provides conformity accross devices allowing software and hardware companies to produce compatible products.