The Council of Trent did not approve the sale of indulgences.
The underlying principle of indulgences was upheld -- that the church had authority to grant reprieve to penance or time in purgatory. But the sale of indulgences was stopped.
The Council of Trent served to reform some abuses that were acknowledged by the Catholic Church -- such as the problem of selling indulgences. But mostly the Council aimed to assert the full authority of Roman power and doctrine over the Protestant threat. The Council of Trent held meetings over a span of years from 1545 to 1563.
* all were white males (many were wealthy)
* over 1/2 were lawyers
* many had helped their state constitutions
* 7 were governors of their states
* some fought in the Am. Revolution
* 8 signed the Declaration of Indepdence
The Declaration of Liberated Europe was signed on February 10, 1945. This document declared that all of the countries previously under German rule would be allowed to create their own democratic governments. It was one of several major agreements achieved during the Yalta Conference of 1945.
Rural-to-urban migration, the development of a coherent and loosely regulated agricultural market, and the emergence of capitalist farmers were all triggered by the Agricultural Revolution's increased agricultural production and technological advancements, which contributed to unprecedented population growth and new agricultural practices.