Primary colors (red, blue and yellow) and the base of all colors, at least two of the three colors are present in every single color. secondary colors are the colors they make up. like red and yellow makes orange or blue and yellow makes green.
Okay, I’m going to help you a little here. The answer is D. “Proportions don’t matter when it comes to the first design of a sketch.” If you think about it, it won’t ever be proportional. Just like a first draft of a paper, it will never be perfect for the first try. When sketching, proportions are for the later steps, and not to focus on when your sketching out your first image.
For your bonus question, “Sketches differ with different clothing and designers.” Is definitely true. The sketches and designs will differ for each person, and will never be an exact replica.
If i was in Ludwig Van Beethoven role I would first talk about how much I loveed music and tell people about my life