December you would sled and ski
January you would play outside and have sleepover and eat and sleep
And February you would eat and sleep and make cookies.
a face = a realiza , a crea, a produce, a făuri, a elabora, a genera, a alcătui, a construi, a întocmi.
Bonjour: Écrivez un essai informatif expliquant les différents types de sacrifices que les gens font, la valeur de faire des sacrifices et comment déterminer quand faire un sacrifice. Qu'est-ce qui aidera le mieux Markus à comprendre les idées centrales pendant qu'il lit?
Explication: vonce pon leon
The pronoun is "it" and the antecedent is "a miniature glass hippopotamus".
Extra information:
The word antecedent is composed out of two Latin words: ante and cedere, and it literally means: the "preceding", meaning it refers to the word that precedes the pronoun, that the pronoun refers to. This is not important for the question, but it is important to remember that the antecedent is always in front of the pronoun!
To give official authority or legal power