positive: The existing manufacturing and production methods were improved. Steel, strong and cheep for example, replaced iron.
negative: There are actually quite a few including child labor, poor working and living conditions, low wages and increased pollution.
D. southeast Asia
Vietnamese culture is uniquely its own but has a lot of Chinese influence
Option: A. Spain and Portugal form the Iberian Peninsula
B. The English channel helped protect the island nation of Britain from invasion.
The Iberian peninsula is in southwest part of Europe, which occupies Portugal and Spain.
Hitler zeal to invade England in 1940 was not accomplished because of this channel and the weak navy forces. In history, the English Channel has protected Britain from the invasion by the Dutch, Spain, Belgium and Napoleon during the Napoleon War.
Answer: Some workers lost there jobs
Answer: I believe the answer is: b. it brought contact with the ideas and skills of other cultures
Mycenaean society was known to be the first greek population that popularized trading relationships with countries in the Asian continent. During the trading process, the merchants brought along knowledge and cultural exchange from Asia to the Greek civilization.