Honey provides nutrients. Sugar does not. Honey is not usually cheaper than sugar. It is also not consistent in taste or sugar. The color and taste will depend on the "batch" that the bees provide.
They create a happy mood because of their vibrant color.
They represent things that people put in their lives to make it more beautiful and bearable.
A. True. and if there is a middle name you put the initial after the first name. so like: Last, First Middle initial.
In the very first scene, the witches chant "Fair is foul, and foul is fair." This is foreshadowing on several levels. First of all, they are foreshadowing the unnatural events that are going to take place in the play, since only something unnatural can be foul and fair at the same time. Secondly, they are foreshadowing Macbeth's exterior versus his interior and how that will change through the play. He will become fair on the outside but foul on the inside when he welcomes Duncan into his home while planning to murder him. -MsLit
George Washington was a Great General,a Great Leader and a great first president.He proved loyal in all of his ways and always he did what was needed.Although he had fake teeth.
George Washington was a great General.When he went into war,he always went in and never stopped until his side if the team won.Although he might have had a few losses of war.George Washington would clearly be a very good general because of his leadership position.But not just because of his position,but because of how he acted.
George Washington became a great leader in many ways.George Washington was the kind that didn't care too much about what he was or what he looked like.He proved a good leader for his people because he didn't care about himself .He cared for other people,their freedom and such as.
George Washington was a great first president too!He was a role model for other presidents too!George was the one who thought of the name "president".So it occurs that he might have had a lot of great ideas or he might have not .Either way it doesn't really matter,George Washington was a great first role model.
And about those dental teeth................................................................
George Washington lost his teeth when he was young due to either bad diet or a disease.It wasn't very easy to keep your teeth at such a old time.About the time when he almost died,he had only one tooth left in his mouth!!So pretty obviously he wore dentures.Hard Dentures.
General President Leader Washington was a good leader no matter his name.