One group of students did an experiment to study the movement of ocean water. The steps of the experiment are listed below.
Fill a rectangular baking glass dish with water.
Place a plastic bag with ice in the water near the left edge of the dish.
Place a lighted lamp near the left edge of the dish so that its light falls directly on the plastic bag.
Put a few drops of ink in the water.
The student did not observe any circulation of ink in the water as expected because the experiment had a flaw. Which of these statements best describes the flaw in the experiment? (2 points)
Not enough ink was added.
Not enough water was taken.
The dish was too small for the experiment.
The lamp and the ice bag were at the same place.
def prompt_number():
while True:
number = int(input("Enter a number: "))
if number >= 0:
return number
def compute_sum(n1, n2, n3):
total = n1 + n2 + n3
return total
n1 = prompt_number()
n2 = prompt_number()
n3 = prompt_number()
result = compute_sum(n1, n2, n3)
Create a function named prompt_number that asks the user to enter a number until a positive number or 0 is entered and returns the number
Create a function named compute_sum that takes three numbers, sums them and returns the sum
Ask the user to enter three numbers, call the prompt_number() three times and assign the values
Calculate the the sum, call the compute_sum and pass the numbers as parameters
Print the result
it is called a dotted half note