Part one: he feels guilty because of his special treatment.
Part 2: intrinsic
1) Leslie tried to buy glue to mend the red dish.
2) The coasted down the hill on the red sled.
3) The game was over, the score 7-2 in our favour.
4) Jennifer promised to mow the lawn, to get the car on Saturday night.
5) Finding a summer job is difficult because of the competition.
6) Joe excited his listeners; talking about sea life.
7) After only three weeks of rehearsal, the students presented an excellent performance of Wilder’s Our Town.
8) At the art festival, Noel won an award in photography.
9) There is an organisation for left-handed people called Lefthanders International.
10) A victorian antique stood on the table next to the wall.
11) A good study technique; outlining, can improve learning.
Answer Its the first one or the 2nd.
1st cuz: " But I do feel that in his story of our final climb he is not quite fair to me;"
2nd cuz: "Hillary is my friend. He is a fine climber and a fine man, and I am proud to have gone with him to the top of Everest." and " But we were not leader and led. We were partners."
This is more about Hillary acting like he couldve done everything himself.
Yea same
Just yea that's the same way i feel about life, just wanting to give up in general on everything is my type of life