While village life has many advantages, including less noise, beautiful natural landscapes, less pollution, fresh air and less congestion, the statistics does not favor the village folks worldwide. Each year, millions of people migrate to urban centers in search of greener pastures.
Because every thing is RIGHT THERE! Stuff is so close and convenient! Thats what the world wants now "convenient"!
In my opinion, city life is always going to be better than country life because not only is there more jobs in the city, but there's more shops, more people, and just, more everything. There's also way easier access to food, because markets are on pretty much every corner, and have wide variety, too.
I think <em>I</em> like city life because the rush really makes me feel good, and it's full of life, there's always a new shop or new thing to see (especially if you're in a big city, like San Francisco or New York.)
If I was given the chance to go to space, I would like see what it was like and how it feel to not have any gravity weighing me down. I would like to see if there are actually any cows that jump over the moon.