The Roman Empire was founded when Augustus Caesar proclaimed himself the first emperor of Rome in 31BC and came to an end with the fall of Constantinople in 1453CE.
Fire and natural disasters, also electronics
If there is a tie the president and vice president are chosen by contingent election. In this a vote of the united states House of Representatives decides the president while the Senate decides the contingent election for the vice president. Contingent election procedure was decided by Article Two, Section 1, Clause 3 of the U. S constitution, it was modified in 1804 by the 12 th amendment.
Contingent elections have occurred only three times in US history during early 1800s.
In this situation, this wording is the clear example that energy IS NOT LOST BUT IS TRANSFORMED.
The galvanic currents that occur within the batteries, and the chemical reactions that occur within them without our realizing it, without energy emitters, energy that is capable of heating devices causing their temperature to rise, or even as it was mentioned that a small lamp lights up ... how does this happen? the energy is never lost, but is transformed, that chemical energy generated within the battery, transfers to the lamp generating the emission of photons and thus generating light, or in the case of generating heat, promotes exotherm by means of a conductive body .