something about democracy
a- Animals do not react positively to human products being tested on them as they are used to determine faults and any harm.
b- the human products often contain harmful chemicals in testing stages on animals which can lead to genetic disorders
c- because there is no definitive answer which is why they're testing to find our what is going to harm the humans
Book Summary. In 1944, in the village of Sighet, Romania, twelve-year-old Elie Wiesel spends much time and emotion on the Talmud and on Jewish mysticism. His instructor, Moshe the Beadle, returns from a near-death experience and warns that Nazi aggressors will soon threaten the serenity of their lives.
Jack London spent some time as a prospector in the Klondike. He was aware of how dangerous ignorance could be in such harsh conditions. “To Build a Fire” reflects London’s experience with many foolish prospectors who died from the cold and of malnutrition.
The contextual information suggests why the unnamed prospector in the story might have been overconfident: He was new to the area and might have been misled by popular and sensational accounts of the gold rush. These accounts depicted the prospectors as heroes discovering new frontiers and making their own fortunes. They did not describe the suffering of life in the Canadian wilderness.
Contextual information also helps us understand the author’s purpose: to expose the truth about the dangerous conditions faced by prospectors during the Klondike gold rush. London informs his readers of what exactly prospecting involves and the importance of knowing the dangers of the environment and one’s own limits.