This is probably going to be more than 15 lines goes nothing
As I lay on my sunken bed
I hear his voice inside my head
Thinking I should have stayed
This tune I hear repeating in my head
I can’t go back, come here instead
He’s not here, he’s gone back home
The love he’d shown was not for me. And I moved on
My sister was jealous, telling me lies
I knew something was going on , it brought tears to my eyes
As I lay on my sunken bed
—-finish the rest I know it sounds soo bad. ♀️ sorry I tried though
I think it's B, strong international laws make it more difficult to sell poached animal parts
if this is wrong im sorry
It can, because some people are ignorant and can’t take some opinions so they fight that its wrong.
It is important because if their names were on the ration books, they would have been found out by the Nazis and taken away, like all of the other Jews.
I hope this answer helped you! If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to ask! :)
Odysseus' crew members divide up the sheep and ghastly a feast. They then offered up the prize ram to Zeus, but he did not accept it.