A common noun is a name of non-specific or a common thing, place or a person. Examples: “ book, pen, room, garden man, girl, road, camera, month, day, chair, school, boy, car” are common nouns because each of them is a common thing, place or person. Common noun refers to a group of items. It does not refer to any specific item.
1. The lone tree in the field is conspicuous.
2. Shelly always carries a rucksack with her.
3. John was indigent towards his mother.
4. Mary has an intolerance to dairy.
5. The farmer branded the horse with his initial.
6. Fear caused her to paralyze.
7. Emily dealt with social ostracism.
8. Adam received 3 parcels in the post.
9. Carrie is quite materialistic.
10. He was unabashed by the stares he received.
One candy bar cost $5.21.
You divide 26.05 by 5 and you get 5.21.
5.21+5.21+5.21+5.21+5.21=26.05 OR
Hospitality means something along the lines of caring, nice, etc.
The answer should be the 3rd one, perseverance.