Answer - A. A person works through her doubts to acheive a worthwhile goal.
Are you in 8th grade? Because I read those 2 stories this year aswell.!
Answer: It gives us depth to how he is feeling
The use of his figurative langugae relaly gives us an understanding to how fragile he feels. Using "delicate as a dandelion" tells us how vulnerable he is, that anything can break him (or his character)
Our words and deeds have an impact
On our interpersonal interactions on a personal level.
They have the ability to either build up
Or tear down others. Our words and actions, however, have an impact
on ourselves. It will be more difficult
For me to tap into and demonstrate the character traits of appreciation,
Humility, and compassion if i constantly
Speak or act with an entitled, arrogant,
Or cruel attitude